Remember me being in one of these groups. I was able to get out before they started to do some actually bullying as I heard that they did a few years after I left.
In this group there was this "leader" if you want to call it that, everyone want to make themself look cool infront of this person, it was this person who always kept throwing fuel onto the fire, no one went against him becuse then they would be attacked by the rest of the group becuse they wanted to get some type of status.
I didn't ever like to be in this group since they valued action over thinking about things, this can be good but not when these actions meant fighting over things, physical fighting.
I once said no to their demands to join them when they went bathing. Then during a few months I was completely frozen out, they didn't talk to me, I was suddenly this "fucking idiot". Go against the group and your social life is fucked, I got dependant on them.
Luckily I had some old friends which I hadn't been speaking to over a few years, better friends.
I still don't understand it, many "members" of this "group" was people I knowned for such a long time, even since I started kindergarten, but they changed so much when this "leader" came. They followed his every move, I think they was to afraid to be left out. I know that the so called leader had major problems at home, maybe he felt he could get some type of dominance in school which he couldn't get at home. I do not know.