Originally Posted by
A burqa conceals your identity completely. It's the same as wearing a mask out in public, which you can't do.
Maybe not in Australia, but in the U.S. I assure you it's quite legal.
Remember that every (Islamic) terrorist attack on the U.S. has been carried out (or attempted) by Shi'a Muslim males, usually students or younger men.
Not a single one has been attempted by a woman (AFAIK, that is). Although the possibility of a man disguised in a burqa is possible, as Odlov said. Airports would not a be a good place for the burqa nowadays.
Originally Posted by
Errr...and? Both compromise safety.
Here's another one: my religion tells me to smoke a strong hallucinogenic plant every few hours because it gets me closer to god. Scenarios are endless.
I think he was pointing out that he's never heard of a religion that required one to carry a gun at all times. In other words, try to keep the scenarios a bit more realistic, such as the one above.
Also remember that a huge portion of the population is Islam, and for a short period of time last year, there were more Muslims than Christians.
Last edited by Xtreme; Jan 17, 2010 at 10:41 PM.