Originally Posted by
Thanks for being fucking sarcastic guys, I bother to say that my life fucking sucks and you just go and try to make a witty comment on it.
:/ Never been a dick to me. In fact you are one of me favorites.
Good Rant CMon, needed to be said. I rarely see it, but I can only imagine...lol, after seeing Ritalin O's I learned this forum could be mean as hell if it wanted to.
Also, for anyone being picked on, just ignore the people and do your own thing. some people wont like you, but you come here to have fun, not impress
Aaaand, yeah, anyone doing the picking on, try not to say anything you wouldn't say in real life. There are times and places for trolling (I do it, most people do) but in a community like this you have to be careful. Not only because this isnt a chan site, but also because you are kind of representing Nabi. For every kid that gets chased off, Nabi loses out in the long run.
Last edited by deady; Jan 23, 2010 at 06:52 AM.