Originally Posted by bloobing2 View Post
o snapszzle that card has a lot of attk JK i dont play pokemon

and i may be requesting a head soon

l0l, this is not pokemon but yu-gi-ho.

and, varkenvoss, are you Arkenvoss?
if you arent you kinda stealed his name style :/

also, your second head is not own made.

but good start [thumb up]
Okay guys, I'm really sorry, but my power's been out somewhere between my last post on this and ten minutes ago. I've been posting on other things because I was able to occasionally steal a few minutes of internet from my neighbors, and I decided I wanted to post your two's heads once I got my internet back so that I could see your reactions. Posting the spinny's in a second.

Sissy version:

Badass version:

Last edited by Varkenoss; Feb 4, 2010 at 11:49 PM.