ITT no one is discussing properly
Latex gloves have a pore size of about 5 microns (and the virus in question has a size of about 1 micron). Latex condoms are double coated, so the protection is far greater than a glove (good to know), but not necessarily immune to transfer.

Assuming the aids virus can transfer as a free virus (as opposed to just an intracellular virus which would be impossible due to the size of sperm cells, viscosity of semen etc), which several notable research figures have suggested it may be capable of, latex condoms are not a fool proof way of preventing the transmission of aids during sex even if they remain unbroken or are used correctly.


ITT hardly anyone knew this and therefore sex education is currently inept


Last edited by m0o; Jan 27, 2010 at 10:30 PM.
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
it's true, the only way to prevent this is wear 2 condoms

If anyone on this forum was actually having sex, you'd have fucked them over so bad.
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
it's true, the only way to prevent this is wear 2 condoms

5's a sure thing

Thats far greater protection than 5 gloves!

On a serious note: Slightly on-topic. What does everyone think about the people having sex knowing they have AIDS?
If you're having it with other people with fatal diseases I don't see the problem.
Same with STD colonies where people with non-lethal STD have sex with one another.

People who do it with non-infected people need to hurry up and die though
they tear you get a girl pregnant = quit school+1 beat down from your dad+getting a job = lol fail
Last edited by mrninja; Jan 28, 2010 at 12:06 AM. Reason: and getting aids to..
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
If you're having it with other people with fatal diseases I don't see the problem.
Same with STD colonies where people with non-lethal STD have sex with one another.

People who do it with non-infected people need to hurry up and die though

Agreed. I think its entirely up to you if you want to risk it with someone you know has a fatal STD. But if you're the infected one, it's not your place to decide, and should make sure the other person knows, or dont do it at all.
Originally Posted by CaptainSmegma View Post
troll thread spotted, man the harpoons.

just look at the guys other videos, he is an obvious and poor troll.

Video is a joke.
Thread is not.