We must come all in a server and spec all. We will enter you if it is your turn to fight. It depends on the players who participated. It will be race to 10. The 1st clan who will get 10 points is the winner in current mod.Sorry if my english is not worthy.
what will be the setting for the Pyramid mod?
It has to start somewhere. It has to start somehow. What better place than here. What better time than now

wah-wah chicka wah-wah chicka-chicka-chicka
Originally Posted by 0815Rocker View Post
what will be the setting for the Pyramid mod?

matchframes 500
turnframes 10 20 20 30 30 35 35 40 40 40 50 50 40 40 30 20 10
dismember 1
dismemberthreshold 100
flags 10
engagedistance 100 or 180?
engageheight 550
dq on
no wrist or ankle dq
Last edited by JePoY; Nov 3, 2007 at 01:39 PM.