Secret Santa 2024
Changed posed to something like this... easier.

I have just noticed that because I flipped pavao.... the Omega on his head is backwards...LOL So yeah, pose yourself boyo
Last edited by KungFuJC; Feb 5, 2010 at 09:10 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
No we need to decide about that at some point lol.

I like it! just testing it out next to mine, if you wanna put FC in that pose go for it, what do you think FC?\

(also look at my previous post backwards omega on fc's head,looks like it says emo ;P loololoololol)
Last edited by KungFuJC; Feb 5, 2010 at 10:16 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Lol, the "Rape your face" pic is awesome.

Also, yeah that set I´m using isn´t the best. I kinda like it tho...
When i get enough money I´ll request one from you ...or you can do it for free ;)....
This sig lacks creativity.

True Story.
C'mon People, HOP HOP HOP! I would like it done this weekend! 5k isn't bad, or are you all filthy rich now?
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Lol im not filthy rich i only have 52 tc -_-
Also seriously we need to get a new leader lol. Cause to me jc seems most fit but having a black belt leader will look bad...
Last edited by Rozbickon; Feb 6, 2010 at 01:56 PM.
The point is to make the poses for the "banner" and this will be for the propaganda Art collection. It's basically a clan pic.

Lol your new head FC looks almost like a gimp mask to me so I turned it into a luchadore mask lol, here you can have it for free looool.

------<< not a gimp.... honest. :P

[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's