Glad this thread is getting a little attention. BTW, the information in my first post was from a couple of websites, sporadically copied & pasted.
I don't feel like c&p quotes, so yeah.

moo- "Thread should be locked btw. Considering the large number of males in the US circumcised against their will this sort of thing should not be discussed on an underage forum. "

I beg to differ. People should be educated, so they can make this very important decision in the future for the kids they may have. Why is being underaged an excuse not to be subjected to real life problems? A 10 year old should know this, and question their parents about it.

"debate started. (sort of)
Thats the Jewish belief. if youre not jewish, it doesnt really affect you."

According to Genesis, God told Abraham to circumcise himself, his household and his slaves as an everlasting covenant in their flesh. Those who were not circumcised were to be 'cut off' from their people (Genesis 17:10-14). Note the connection between circumcision and slavery. It is alluded to in the New Testament.
Abraham, his descendants and those who were bought with their money (Genesis 17:12-13). Also, all the males of a household were to be circumcised if one of them wanted to join in the Passover celebrations (Exodus 12:43-49).
However, there is a puzzle. Laws commanding circumcision are said to come through Moses (e.g. Leviticus 12), but the Children of Israel abandoned circumcision during Moses' leadership (Joshua 5: 4-7). Exodus 4: 24-26 tells us that Moses had not circumcised his own son.
This suggests several scribal traditions. In the first, Moses did not practice circumcision, and the custom was abandoned under his leadership (Joshua 5: 4-7). In the second his wife is made to conform to the practice (Exodus 4: 24-26). Finally, in the third tradition, he is given the command to circumcise from the LORD himself.

So yeah, got that last bit about God from some website.
Personally, I think parents should not do it to kids before they are old enough to choose for themselves. I've spoken to a few people who are very unhappy because they are circumcised. I'm uncircumcised and I see no reason why I would ever get a circumsicion.

19:08 <@SlainVeteran> FINNISH
Circumcision is pretty much a useless tradition. And while I do think is makes penis less frightening to see, thats about the only benefit I can see, and sadly at the moment I cant be asked to do much research. I guess I can see how it MIGHT be cleaner, but aside from preventing UTIs in infants (this is my first time hearing that btw) I dont at all see how it could be safer, unless of course you packed something unhealthy in there and just sort of went about your day. Honestly I think this is both a result and cause of centuries of guilt over sexuality/sexual repression encouraged by religion and people who think they are on to something nobody else is smart enough to figure out.

Im kinda pissed I lost mine actually. Granted it hasn't caused me any problems not having one, but like others said I didn't get to chose.

Also lol @ recommending kids to ask their parents about this after getting off of the forums, not to mention taking action :P I don't really see why this should be closed, but those were some damn weak justifications for keeping it open.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.

And i like to keep it that way, haven’t really ever looked into circumcision
Seems its litterally means cutting-around, also found this on wiki:

Control and Prevention state that evidence indicates male circumcision significantly reduces the risk of HIV acquisition by men during penile-vaginal sex, but also state that circumcision only provides minimal protection and should not replace other interventions to prevent transmission of HIV

If you look at the complications part on wiki, i think it is a little crazy to be circumcizing
especially at a young age. Also having the choice would be nice. I think i would feel so screwed if i had one of those complications.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
ive read about lots of problems when having it . like some sort of restoration that may need to happen. girls like cut one ive been told. so glad i am!
Im a squirrel and I'm so awesome that my friend bought me Toriprime.
I was circumcised as a very young child, meaning I had no say in it.

Honestly I'm very apathetic on the debate, it's not like being circumcised changes the way you live, unless you are an orthodox jew. So really, it shouldn't matter much. Just kids getting circumcised with no say in it (like myself) is bullshit.
Oshit guys how do I know if I'm circumcised or uncircumcised?

Warning this pic shows penises drawn

and mine looks like on the right does that mean I"m circumcised?
Aw T.T I dont want my penis cutted!!! Now I'm sad that my penis is circumcised . I thought that was normal and that circumcised cut something else D: Uncircumcised looks so much better why didnt my parents tell me i was circumcised D: I'm so sad now