You stole the words from my mouth. I just couldn't phrase it at the moment. ;).
But yea phail, They are impressive. But there songs are just weird for me, It's sort of hard to explain.
Fury Of The Storm has my favorite riff they made and it is near the beginning of the song. At 30 seconds.
Don't really like the band at all. I never really liked them as much as other power metal bands who have just as epic songs if not more epic.
Hear this guys vocals. Powerful as fuck and cool as fuck.
They do play live, but sloppy as fuck and they stopped drinking because it really fucks how clean they play.
Though Dave Mustaine was not only drunk, but was cracked out on Meth and Crack and LSD and other random drugs, but he was able to play live.
He came to a studio one day about to make the video for These Boots, but he was too fucked to play guitar so they had to over dub it.
Last edited by T0ribush; Feb 12, 2010 at 12:17 AM.