Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post
This is BlackSad, I think some of u know how he is...

This picture somehow brings to mind "fat cat", and I don't quite know why. It is quite brilliant, however.
Epic work, Bojan. Your style is very, very unique.

When are you going to get started on my clan pic?
back from the dead
That drawing is very hard to make and if i can't make it right i wont do it at all, also I think that clan pic should represent the toris from the game (like those 3d render things that nasuke and wiirus makes) plus not to mention that some members are changing textures etc... When I was making one for our clan it took me weeks (u know, to find time and motivation >P). I know u can't wait that long so at the end it's freeware art that u will get which gives me freedom to make it on my own terms. So, eventually u will get the pic but not for the event and not soon.
Wow, how did you "ink" it?

I have a lot of epic pencil drawing, but I don't have a scanner.
Is "inking" hard?
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Wow, how did you "ink" it?

I have a lot of epic pencil drawing, but I don't have a scanner.
Is "inking" hard?

Since I'm doing all my stuff with the tablet and graphic programs i can only tell u how i work.
I make a rough drawing with some color (blue, brown, green) like pencil in art rage, then i import my work on to some program like photoshop or gimp or flash for the inking cause i can make nice solid lines in them, put my pencil under, ink on layer above then back to art rage for coloring (i like rough colors like water-colors). End.
U will have to buy some decent pen for inking and draw over your pencil work (using just the lines u need) and erase rest.