Christmas Lottery
To each their own I say. If someone wants to wait, let them wait. If they don't then that is their own decision. It is very rare for someone to consciously choose either way. For most people it either happens or it doesn't.
Originally Posted by SLAPPED View Post
To each their own I say. If someone wants to wait, let them wait. If they don't then that is their own decision. It is very rare for someone to consciously choose either way. For most people it either happens or it doesn't.

Basically true. Honestly, it's hard to make a decision on the matter until you've experienced it. Rarely will people start abstaining after they've begun having sex. But if it's something they want to keep to give to someone later on in life, it's entirely up to the individual. I'm not for or against either side.

<Phail> Everyone knows GMs can combust your videocard temporarily
<decimat0r1> let those bitches try
I'm with Rott on not being for or against either side. But since "virgin" is used as an insult and virgins are looked down upon, most people will bandwagon against it for no real reason other than they don't want people to think they're virgins. See, look at my quote string:

Originally Posted by Chac View Post
Oh wow. not only have you never had sex, but you also never ejaculated apparently.

Originally Posted by Hector View Post
JesseBean, one question - are you a virgin? Coz it seems like that, I saw no men who didn't like sex after they tried.

Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
You are just using that as an excuse because you can't get any.

Originally Posted by mrninja View Post
you're the virgin here lol

^ And I held back a lot for the sake of tl;dr.
(inb4 ---reputation under the assumption that I'm a virgin)
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Mine was more intentional bandwagoning for lols.

About STDs: Don't have sex with chicks that fuck tons of random dudes and you'll be fine.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
abstinance is easier said than done... when you get into that kind of relationship/age group...

[QUOTE=kuromizu;2374098]so long as its not religion that influences the behaviorQUOTE]

whats wrong with letting religion determine whether or not you can or cannot have sex? YOU choose to listen to it, so its still YOUR choice.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
How easy is it depends on your friend group/activities. For example if you're more of a social person who goes to parties etc with friends who commonly have sex, it'll be very difficult to avoid for a long period of time, unless of course you're very strong willed.

I don't see the problem with it, as long as you aren't taking advantage, both parties understand the circumstances and you practice it safely it can be a perfectly natural and fun thing to do.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
abstinance is easier said than done... when you get into that kind of relationship/age group...

Originally Posted by kuromizu View Post
so long as its not religion that influences the behavior

whats wrong with letting religion determine whether or not you can or cannot have sex? YOU choose to listen to it, so its still YOUR choice.

fix'd. Also:

because a religion, in this context, boils down to a set of pre-made choices, choices made by someone else. Worse yet, choices no single entity could logically make. So what Kuromizu must've meant is that sure, you can do that, but it's stupid as hell.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
I will talk to you about Abstinence with a different viewpoint if I can.

Think of Abstinence as less of some pledge you make which you must achieve but more of a standard kept until you achieve what marriage stands for: true love. I know you are probably just a teenager so you most likely will believe many relationships were "The one" etc. etc. but you truly need to evaluate what abstinence could be all about: devotion.

I will be the first to admit: I am a virgin. I have been on-and-off dating with my girlfriend for the past 3 years. I (in a teenagers belief anyways) love her to death. She wants to have sex. But I am simply not ready to make that step. That's fine. She is understanding of that. You really need to work on the emotional aspects of the relationship, that way as your love for one another reaches new heights; you're physical actions will just occur naturally.

Forget about the STD's, pregnancy, etc. That shouldn't be your motivation. A strong moral compass will get you much farther than skewed statisitics using insane conditions. You wan't to date a girl or guy who you find things in common with who you also feel at least somewhat attracted towards. Enjoy activities with each other. Rely on each other with any and all emotional problems you have and help each other. If her mother isn't treating her well, lend her your shoulder to cry on. You both should be 2 seperate, independent, entities which make each others lives just a little bit easier.

In short, have sex with a person who you have grown a deep relationship with when you and your partner are 100% ready. If you and your partner get to that point, and are completely faithful, then simply by practicing safe sex your odds of acquiring an STD are slim to none.
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