When you press F8 to save a screenshot, they go into C:/Games/Toribash/Screenshots

And nah, you can't edit a flame once it is created, a whole new one has to be made.
Could I just auto buy this? Ill describe them.
Set - Lightning set, not awsomely detailed, 30k max, Has Gold Lightning shocks all over body.
Head One - Head made by Mrama (a very respected texture maker) it is a emo headphone head, quite cool.
Head two - Purple head with quite good eyes, has nine on the back.
Head Three - Happy head, very big mouth and round eyes.
Head four - kind of like Hampa's head i think, sick eyes.
60k TC.
Account - alright items, rank 3800, QI is alright i guess.
I think its nearly Black, so good for starters to buy, and items are A lot of beetle, copper, orc and amber.
Ok then, deal.

So I get:
Lightning Text set
Brown belt account (With items)
And 4 head textures

in return I give you my head flame?
Uhm yes, close this thread im buying the 60k now just the guy isnt on but yes thats the deal, ill also help you sell the items if you are selling
Well it turns out it wasn't what he expected and the deal went bad. So the deal is off.

This auction is open again for anyone to bid on.
Last edited by Lempika; Mar 12, 2010 at 01:41 PM.