Originally Posted by
sry for not showin this cuz i dont rly know how but i got 388 score
If you look above your arrowkeys there is a button named
PrtScn. This stand for print screen, press it once when you want to take a photo of what you see through your monitor.
Then open paint. Up in paint there is something named
Redigera (yes people, if you live in Sweden that is what it's called.
After you pressed it little tab should appear. Now, press
Klistra in. This will paste your image into paint. Now, save your image to your desktop so that it is easy to find.
Now is the "tricky" party but it is really simple.
Go to a site which allows you to upload a picture for example this one:
Go there and press
browse. Now you find the picture you saved to your desktop.
Press ok once you've found it.
Then you would want to make it a little smaller for forum use. So press the
Image resize and choose
800x600 (15-inch monitor).
Now, press
upload now and wait until it has been uploaded.
Once it says it has been successfully upload go to
View full size. Now, copy/paste the adress like you've done at the picture game on this forum. And it is uploaded.
1. Print Screen
2. Klistra In in paint
3. Save paint to desktop
3. Go to
4. Find the picture with browse.
5. Resize
6. Upload
7. View full size.
8. Copy/paste adress to forum.
If you still have difficulties you can give me a pm or ask some adult to help you, I think they should know how to handle a computer unless they are a technical as my parents
Goodluck, you can do it.