Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[COMP] Weekly MoMoM Challenge
[Weekly Mastery Of Mind Over Matter Challenge]
Recently I got rsi in my right arm, so I decided to train my left hand to draw. I mentioned this as an idea for a weekly drawing comp in GATA & Omega boards to which it was quite popular. And Thus It Has Become So!

I thought this would be an interesting test of everyone's artistic skill in mind over matter and co-ordination. Because really, drawing skill is only in the mind, your hands just follow your thoughts and create muscle memory in comparison to your opposing hand which is never used and therefore never creates that muscle memory.

So anyone up for the challenge? Your not a real artist otherwise :P


Each week I will select a theme or selection of words from which to create something, the catch is you are only allowed to use your non-dominant hand to draw.
Be it Digital or Paper is up to you.

Seeing as I intend to participate aswell winners will come down to a vote.
If say Comps start on a monday, submission on a friday(26th this week) and voting over the weekend via open poll.

Seeing as there is no real way to determine if all entries are drawn by non-dominant hands it's really upto everyone to trust and keep it fair. But then of course the same has always been said of plagiarism too.

Week 1 is a Theme: DESTRUCTION

There will be a continuous census of winners
You will progress up the MoMoM leader board by the points you earn through which weekly positions you achieve.


Reaching certain milestones will earn you considerable rewards which also increase the higher your score. To which this is probably more challenging than other weekly comps because the weeks are all linked together into a continuous overall competition.

Last edited by KungFuJC; Mar 19, 2010 at 10:15 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
I'm planning on participating in this, but I'm not quite sure I understand the whole point
leaderboard thing on the winner regaurding if there will be prizes, and how to achieve them.
Yes hand drawn's fine.

I just thought the leaderboard thing would be interesting, as they'l be a record of who's won where as most weekly comps can stand alone from each other, the winners dissapearing into obscurity, could be more motivating. well we'll see if it works out or not.

My pc is mega fucked atm so if needs be I'll keep using the ps3 to post and sort out the voting if I haven't rebuilt it all by the end of the week. but its likely I'll be done before then anyway.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Mm. My favorite part about this event is that I'm ambidextrous. And no, I'm not lying, and I bet that 90% of the people that read this aren't going to believe me.
Haha, this looks like a future scene from my graphic novel!
I believe you. I also draw almost the same with my left hand but only with pen and paper, not with tablet.
Thanks for believing. And also, if you'd like to use this photo for your graphic novel thing, feel free, and if you'd like me to, I'll make more. If so, pm me about it. [: I'm ambidextrous in whatever I use my hands with, whether it's ping pong, or GIMP. And also, I can use both of my feet, but I'm not sure if that's called ambidextrous, too.
It's hard to make something with left hand, but, if everyone sucks with it, me too, why not?
So, why not?
I'mma try this
[Piratez] Art/Texture maker
Heavy Metal God

lol, this is HARD even tho in not so lost at this as ure usual slob. not quite fully ambi yet, no.
realfun comp !

[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Well after some toil and trouble with a few attempts I stuck with this one. If it wasn't awkward enough I can't seem to draw lines that curve opposite to the natural direction of my hand. >.<

Although it's not directly related I was also pretty pleased with this old hag eye, some random old lady on the tv had. she had a face like one of those cats that looks like they've been hit by a shovel or ran into a window.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's