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inb4 you realise that all internet speed will be reduced by 10%, at the least (40% was the worst), so even if you avoid the filter you still have to deal with that. Which makes Aus's already mediocre internet far below standard.
in b4 you realise that the main uses for internet speeds over 5 mbps is to
a. Avoid local law (i.e. Piracy and viewing of illegal materials and stream/download pornography if you are underage)
b. Brag about your sweet-ass ping and connection speeds; pings that are actually below human reaction thresholds (hurr why not connect to a closer server?)
c. Compensate for shit netcodes in FPS games that should have been written better in the first place.
in b4 you realise that several ISPs (iinet, for example) have publicly stated that if the internet censorship has a significant impact on speeds and actually does go ahead (doubtful) they will move offshore to avoid the laws.
in b4 you realise that, since America is censoring EDUCATIONAL BOOKS, censoring the internet is a rather small step and if Australia goes ahead and it proves successful, half of the western world will follow
in b4 you post worthless comments about things you know very little about
in during you dont realise that compression methods are getting much better and internet speeds are getting faster (it's called relativity).