It's like, polish education is like that (in order):
- Places for keeping very young children (younger than 2 years), if parents are busy etc. "Żłobki"
- Kindergartens for children till 5 years (our government introduced it, before it was till 6yrs) - it's not er, required to send children there, for example I've never been in kindergarten.
- "Zerówki", they are like, 0th class of primary school, they kinda prepare children for primary school, but are similiard to kindergartens (lots of playtime etc.). I was going to one of them :P
- Primary schools, 6 years of education, children usually stop liking school at about 3rd class (xd)
- "Gimnazja", I guess you have something similiar in germany. 3 years of education, I'm in 3rd class of Gimnazjum.
After that you can choose one of three ways:
> "Liceum Ogólnokształcące", like, high school. 3 years of education. They're profiled with two subjects, e.g. Polish+Biology. I'm probably going to LO for Maths+Physics.
> "Technikum", 4 years of education, after you finish it you're given 'Technik' title and you can basically perform some job. There are many different ways to choose, there are IT schools, Gastronomical, Electronic etc.
> "Zawodówka", not sure how many years, probably 3. Vocational school, It learns you and prepares to perform one excact job, for example miner or hairdresser. It's usually called place for idiots/retards, because it usually has lowest requirements to get in etc.