It's a great account, but I'm content with Oyster

If you really want my attention, I'm looking for Demon Packs. Accounts will no longer be considered unless they have full Demon or a Demon Pack.

ALSO: I have an offer via PM from HARDWORKER for 800k. Think you can beat it?
Last edited by oyster; Apr 5, 2010 at 06:47 PM.
back from the dead
gabiel - Yes I'm playing all day all night and take it serious, but don't think that I can't make textures or sell items to make profit. =)
skura - And..? Of course I don't have a lot of tc after a deal like that.
i propose you 805K or 700K and a very nice texture set
BTW Pm me and we will find compromis
Last edited by rayray21; Apr 6, 2010 at 10:51 PM.