Here are mine. I also have 4-5 videos on YouTube, be sure to check those out, search jaybud4 or goto
Jaystolewertleg - Obvious enough, I stole Wert's leg
Jay96kvsstick - Apparently I got 96,000 points of damage on StickDude. He thought he won when we started out, and so he called me a foolish cat (by my head) and then I came back to win.
Jaylastsecondsave - Another comeback. This time, versus Happydog, we both sorta danced around until i finally made a hit to win it.
Jaybeheadswithafoot - Just what it says on the tin. I decapitate somebody.. with my foot. Really no way for him to beat me afterwards, with only 100 frames left.
Jayragdollpile - Me and Blindragdoll make a big pile of limbs. Not much to say about it.