pretty cool head man, but im going to wait to see what others have made :3

everyone keep making amazing heads
im doing one wait a sec :P it will be awsome !!

im good to do this kind of head

it will be done in like 20mins

one question about the details on the helmet we do like we want ?

edit: here it is but still waiting ur answer are we doing the helmet as we want or u want something specific like tribals flames a plane... im finishing it when ull answer. hope ull like it and if there is something u want then i change or get off i can do it.. well i though at arrows cuz it means aerodanamic so :P
well here it is ! of what done...
arrows can be get it off like i said the helmet can be designed at ur want i though to add an eagle but that was just an idea :P

i will maybe post with other things then arrow on the helmet later
for 10k-15k u can be sure then u can ask me for anything it start at simple to impossible ! i can try anything :P just pm me
Last edited by DJEKING; May 6, 2010 at 05:44 AM.
that looks pretty damn good, and only one other guy made this attempt to even start on it
so DJEKING wins!
ill pm you the details

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