seriously you should wait for few more days if pate5 is makigna head for you. He is probably the best texturer around.
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ok guys... this isnt a secret that im not a young... im 23 and i have a very good job with a very good payment i like this game because this is a good fun
relax... if i want i can buy all of these heads

@Ghiita: seriously... i like your style... you was precise and fast. and this is very important for me. no matter if somebody gonna make a better head maybe im gonna buy yours too... continue on this way, only more self-confidence

@pate5: you musst be good if everybody say this... im gonna wait for you
Last edited by GHamilton; May 8, 2010 at 08:57 PM.
Here's the beginning of my head:

Edit: And quicksilver version:
Last edited by Pate5; May 8, 2010 at 08:12 PM.
Texturing tutorial
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oh man... stop it please. with this attitude you never gonna reach the top. you have to find your goals and never retreat! thats all! and if somebody say for you that you are good... please believe in this