Suicide: You can read the rules of the teams and then create, leave, or join a different team.

Jumalan: I gave you the team called Art Team, if you would like to have another team name rather than Art pm me. I might just make the Art Team seprate from the actual members list
Oh and for you Kriskoree try not to recruit everyone in the clan, the other teams need some more members =P
Originally Posted by JumalanKasi View Post
what is war team?? and i can join... im 4th dan =)

No u cant your the leader of the other clan that against mine
>.> back to the war team subject. i assume that it is the face of our clan- the part that does the fighting and shit. i am sorry but i find it barely mandatory due to the fact that there are few of us but we are all good quality. make a team if u like but i preume it will just turn out looking like a repeat of the members list.
which war team am i in? im confused
How many of you have met a yak who can play games....huh....yea thats what i thought too...

Crazy yak: if you want you can try to create your own team, just make a thread with your team name on it, then get some members from SXC or the game (black belts and up), and then if locko and I think your team is good enough we will put your team up on the members list
my thoughts exactly frenchy. its killing me that the poll is leaning in favour of the new setup... tiny teams of lik 3 ppl instead the army of elite sxc's that we already are...