The knight is facing to the left, but the shading on the visor is almost equal on both sides.
There's not much depth on the chain mail or collar either.

7.8/10 so far.
Cercopes and Ghiita: I covered all that in the text on the first post, but thanks anyway.

Nathan: the right side is actually much darker than the left, it should be pretty apparent.
back from the dead
Meh, since you used scanlines on the chainmail for the neck, you'll have to use it everywhere else there's chainmail.
If there's too much scanlines on it, it'll definitely look weird. Maybe experiment with the "Apply Canvas" filter.
I know you have Photoshop but a lot of filters are in both GIMP and Ps, so I don't know. It's really neat.
Other than that, you're doing great so far.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth