If words fail, show him the death. Shoot an empty pistol on his head. Make him shit his pants. If the subject is such a threat, then there's no limit, in my opinion.

If you dont confess you will be in serious pain for the next _______.

Okay I did it... What was it I did again, I forgot but Im sure I did it just dont hurt me.

How the fuck is that proof of anything? Its more likly to result in the person responcable being free to walk the streets.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Personally I accept torture as a necessary evil as long as we do not develop painless technique of extracting information, such as drug-induced hypnosis or some advanced brain scan or whatnot. I hope we do, soon.

This would rob people of their right to withhold information, however and as such would be a greater injustice than torture.
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
This would rob people of their right to withhold information, however.

You realise we are talking about torture? You know, methods to extract information which people would otherwise withhold.
Originally Posted by Onamist View Post
You realise we are talking about torture? You know, methods to extract information which people would otherwise withhold.

Yes, but people maintain the right to withhold information during torture. A drug that forces the information from them is a gross violation of human rights IMVHO. When people succumb to torture they are in essence deciding to reveal the information on their own, not because a drug tells them to
People who are tortured feel that the only way to escape the incredible agony they are in is to reveal the information that they have. It is no more free will than if there was drug that forced them to speak the truth.
Originally Posted by Onamist View Post
People who are tortured feel that the only way to escape the incredible agony they are in is to reveal the information that they have. It is no more free will than if there was drug that forced them to speak the truth.

Except it is totally different?

They cannot kill you during torture (assuming we are talking about the US). They'll give up eventually.

If you're smart enough to realise, your information is always yours. They simply try to work it out of you through temptation. They dont rob your mind of it.

Furthermore, information received during torture is not usable in a court of law iirc, and it is statistically unreliable information.
torturing people is retarded, it's ethically unsound. The information isn't reliable, and it has not done anything for us OTHER THAN make people fucking despise us.
<FeD> i will allow my ass being raped
Originally Posted by ToXiKz View Post
I disagree with "Brain scanners" and whatnot, seeing as you would lose all forms of privacy and they would be put into use for stuff other then just torture.

As for torture, when its your only option besides doing nothing, you take that option.

Privacy? haha one wouldn't assume terrorists anxious to blow up the statue of libery would need privacy.... "ohh dear allah i forgot to put on the condom last night"
I agree with using brain scanners because they are painless, and they reveal all, even if the technology doesn't exist yet. However, I must agree with you that you must take the option of torture when it is necessary.
Ecophilosophical communism... whatever the hell that is... or Psychosolcialism...
I would first put the suspect on a polygraph test to see if he is telling the truth or not then torture afterwards if he is lying.
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