epic i love that vid you dont need to improve anything but Atmospheres from Melmoth will be nice ... 9/10.
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Oh bro,
A very nice video, I love it.
The song is very fantastic, effects too, freecam is amazing.
Just...Wow. 10/10
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[17:41] <@pusga> i want to cum inside dave
Originally Posted by Bust3r View Post
To be honest, this is seriously the Toribash video I find the most enjoyable to watch.

It just gives me a warm feeling inside, I can't say more. Great replays, sync, freecam, nice effects and transitions. I fucking love it.

Sure there the light rays might be overused slightly, and the color spams might occur a bit too often, but it's still a great video, and it makes me happy by just watching it.

Pretty much this tempobro o/. Great recording and editing.
Anyway realy nice video, if it is your first one. Next time please opt those trails or atleast try to make them suit with your joints :P.
Thanks for the comments. I never expected people to like it THAT much :P

It means a lot :>
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Wow, I liked that a lot, it really draws you in.
The song and the shaders fit in really well, enjoyed every minute.
| tom |