I personally think that this sort of thing would work better if it was team based. People trounce around their workplace holding ideas and innovations that could be vital a businesses success because in most industries to get ahead you need to stand out from the rest and you can't discuss your ideas with a colleague or they may steal the idea and credit and claim it's rewards.

Industries should encourage more teamwork and punish or praise the team for good ideas or poor performance. If I came up with an idea and was able to share it with the rest of my team, knowing that they would help contribute and develop said idea then the likelihood of good ideas coming to the attention of the employers and thus possibly increasing the businesses efficiency and profits which would result in not only myself, but the team benefiting from it, then I would instantly and constantly discuss such ideas.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
m0o: tl;dr.
what on earth possesed you to post something that long?

Education. Without an education this thread is going to be a bunch of 14 yearolds telling us what they think industries should be doing.
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
Education. Without an education this thread is going to be a bunch of 14 yearolds telling us what they think industries should be doing.

This is the forum for a ragdoll based fighting game aimed towards children.
Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
What if the money that the innovative programs make is double that of the programs they are told to make?

/me agrees

Google wave, maps, trends, labs etc

All made from their 20% free time. All of them awesome.

rigid structure yields boring results :/
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
Education. Without an education this thread is going to be a bunch of 14 yearolds telling us what they think industries should be doing.

still dont see why you would post something THAT long.

galts comment seems to be irrelevant. unless "children" spans a little further than i would assume
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
She's trying to educate said kids on psychological concepts and theorems. Seems overly redundant to me.
Last edited by Galt; Jun 7, 2010 at 04:25 PM.
Regardless if the post was necessary or not, you are all drawing off-topic.
Stay on topic or I will start infracting.
Back in my day...
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
Education. Without an education this thread is going to be a bunch of 14 yearolds telling us what they think industries should be doing.

Very true, I knew quite a bit of what you posted but definitely not all of it. Not exactly the easiest stuff to completely understand through a post on a forums infested, with as you said, 14yr olds who think they know it all(well, sometimes anyways, its a phase of sorts) These experiments were done primarily by economists rather than psychologists, so their results are related primarily to their field.

Also, these results cannot easily be applied to MANY industries simply because of the fact that many industries have no need for innovation. For example, accountants. There isn't much to innovate in that field, therefore applying what they learned would make no sense besides keeping their employees happy, and possibly increasing their work ethic because of it.

And I believe this is kind of related to Mazlow's Hierarchy of Needs in the sense that enough money to not worry about money is required. Next he talks about fulfilling their "psychological needs" when he talks about mastery, purpose, and autonomy. He simply is showing how those needs must ALSO be met in a workplace to maximize the results. The rest just comes off of the workers having the base to build off of.

Do I fully understand this? no. Do I enjoy theorizing about it? very much so.
<Shlimby> lol, no Ad, just stop seeing those melons
<ADTerminal> Sure
<Shlimby> and dont take them into ur bed at night
<ADTerminal> But it's where I keep them warm