I would say that video games (the good kind anyways) actually enhance and expand intelligence
I think i have to disagree on that, if i get injured in real life i would exhaust myself trying to heal by walking over a medkit. And a majority of games have real life story mixed with fiction, so that wont teach you anything valid either. Or you risk thinking some fiction is reality. Tactics in games are usually bound to the limited factors in the game itself that you have to deal with, if you would take war tactics ( that work in game ) and use them in real life, you would probably get your ass kicked by people that have done it in real life.
It probably depends on each individual playing the games if they gain knowledge or usefull skills or not.
If some retard kid watches power rangers, and then starts kicking complete strangers in the groin screaming some power ranger line.
And some other idiot kid that looks at it and concludes because of a female wearing a pink suit, that all males wearing pink must be more in touch with their feminin side and therefor more likely to be gay, pink is a girl color, dont wear pink.
And ofcourse the "healthy" kid that changes channel and disregards all he just saw.
( seriously who chooses to make a double salto over punching someone in the face with your foot )
people will do with it what they will.