In today's technology driven world, the family unit has mutated from a bre basic necessity for survival to a burden, an obstacle to desire.
In our modern convenience of technology, survival alone is no logner an issue, and all things that we once relied on for survival, namely communal effort, has been tossed right out the window in favor of selfish mechanical practices and rituals.
Now, because we no longer need to rely on one another to survive, doing so, relying on others, has become a burden, something we "cant afford" to do anymore.
As such, if you are not emancipated, dont have a job, or arent making money, you are a problem, a glitch in the system, a "free radical" oxygen particle. a PROBLEM, a BURDEN, a DISEASE.
But is humanity the real problem, or is mechanical dependency depriving us of our inherent humanity? Have we forsaken our own hearts in favor of material gain?
Back before the massive industrial promotion, barely even 100 years ago, the majority of surviving human beings HAD TO work hard on farmland to make enough food to survive.
It's been mechanized. vastly fewer people are working very hard at all for any means of survival. at this point, working hard has become a "luxury", but since it requires hard work, and since instant grartification is becoming the social norm, most people avoid it like the plague, which is more self-damagign than anything else, but what are we to do? We are no longer encouraged to work hard, but in fact, encouraged to not work at all, and let someone else take care of our problems.
We've developed a slave driver mindset; that we need a machione to do the work for us, we cant do it ourselves, our time is "too valuable" to spend working on something that does not instantly pay off.
Our future is very pathetic.