I want Rudd back, and what is this age limit for alcohol going to achieve it's just going to piss a lot of teenagers off.
Originally Posted by Galt View Post
They're all commie fools. Bring Howard back.

Lol mining tax. Real smart move.

Long time no see, I want Johnnie back too
You guys are trolling, Johnnie was shit.

At least Rudd kept his election promises.

Mining tax was always going to be a bit iffy, the sector is so undertaxed, and the massive amount of jobs it generates means the backlash was always going to be a problem.

Also, Gillard has committed our troops to Afganistan for longer, pretty sure Rudd was going to reduce deployment.

Lets be honest, the only bad part of Rudd's government was Conroy, and he is still there. So what can we expect from Gillard?

EDIT: Rudd held a 6 point lead before the coop, what the hell Gillard, what the hell.
Last edited by Gorman; Jun 25, 2010 at 05:09 PM.
I think the ranga bitch should get back to the kitchen...

User has been banned for reasons I think to be quite obvious. ~ Phail
Last edited by phail; Jun 25, 2010 at 11:01 PM.
I think Johnnie is seen in good light because of his following economic reforms started by the Hawke Keating government.

I like the tax idea. Fuck China, they are destroying our CAD, not that it matters, and I want better trains.
Great time to have an Edu guy up the top with the national curric etc. Too bad it's a woman. Women are obviously just as suited to this sort of role as men, but i think for a woman to achieve the "first ever" in such a way, is going to take polotics completely out of the equation.

You're going to have the vast majoirty of women voting for Gillard, and the vast majority of rednecks (Queenslanders) voting against her, simply because she is a woman.

I like the super profits tax. It's pretty obvious that the capitalist democracy no longer has citizens at its heart (see: that bullshit in America RE: Thought crimes). It's time to go full communist. Not really though, but war should stop and we should travel into space etc
Last edited by m0o; Jun 26, 2010 at 11:18 AM.
Rudd was shit, Gillard can't be much better. It's kind of stupid the way she got in... K.Rudd havin' a good ol' cry.
Originally Posted by m0o View Post
Great time to have an Edu guy up the top with the national curric etc. Too bad it's a woman. Women are obviously just as suited to this sort of role as men, but i think for a woman to achieve the "first ever" in such a way, is going to take polotics completely out of the equation.

You're going to have the vast majoirty of women voting for Gillard, and the vast majority of rednecks (Queenslanders) voting against her, simply because she is a woman.

I like the super profits tax. It's pretty obvious that the capitalist democracy no longer has citizens at its heart (see: that bullshit in America RE: Thought crimes). It's time to go full communist. Not really though, but war should stop and we should travel into space etc


I know that she will destroy the mining tax, the greedy bitch will kill it to save votes, she probably gets her economic knowledge off the back of a cereal box.