Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by Bloobing View Post
I just think that chac is pretty mean. If you really care about why i think he is mean pm me.

If you get on IRC, we can talk about it if you want it public :V.

Also, Ciaotime pops up and reveals his story with no sugar coating but a little mystery...

[15:46] <@ChrisDom> K shoot ciao.
[15:46] <CiaoTime> legit reason why I left smod
[15:46] <CiaoTime> at the time the place was collapsing
[15:46] <CiaoTime> this was December '09
[15:47] == mode/#interview [+v CiaoTime] by ChrisDom
[15:47] <+CiaoTime> we had too many idiots in the higher echelons
[15:47] == mode/#interview [+m] by ChrisDom
[15:47] <+CiaoTime> Parrot was going down, I wasn't being productive as smod, and overall had much better things to do with my life
[15:47] <+CiaoTime> jalis says like gman
[15:47] <+CiaoTime> I disagree
[15:47] <+CiaoTime> gman was actually useful
[15:47] <@ChrisDom> definitely
[15:48] <@ChrisDom> Who was an idiot in the higher echelon?
[15:48] <+CiaoTime> so that's basically it
[15:48] <+CiaoTime> well
[15:48] <+CiaoTime> There were a few idiotic decisions made
[15:48] <+CiaoTime> I won't say what or who
[15:48] <+CiaoTime> and we're fine with eachother now
[15:49] <@ChrisDom> (kitfox)
[15:49] <+CiaoTime> no
[15:49] <@ChrisDom> oh ok
[15:49] <+CiaoTime> he wasn't higher echelon att
[15:49] <@ChrisDom> Are we talking A-Team at the time
[15:49] <+CiaoTime> Ehh... not really, no
[15:49] <@ChrisDom> hmmm...
[15:49] <@ChrisDom> ok
[15:50] <+CiaoTime> we had the wrong people for the wrong job
[15:50] <@ChrisDom> And it's better now right?
[15:50] <+CiaoTime> Honestly, I don't know
[15:50] <+CiaoTime> I haven't been in the community since last year
[15:50] <+CiaoTime> With the obvious exception of IRC, most newer people won't know me there
[15:51] <@ChrisDom> well thanks ciao
[15:51] <+CiaoTime> I'm so interesting, eh
[15:51] <@ChrisDom> so far, yeah
[15:51] <+CiaoTime> I'm like siku junior
[15:51] <+CiaoTime> so ace.
[15:51] <@ChrisDom> you gave me a mystery to solve
[15:51] <+CiaoTime> want a clue, watson?
[15:52] <+CiaoTime> ask the russians
[15:52] <@ChrisDom> OH
ask the russians.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
AlexOwnz joined the chat room.
[4:55pm] Nathan: Hello AlexOwnz
[4:55pm] AlexOwnz: Sup Nathan
[4:55pm] Nathan: Now, how long have you been a smod?
[4:56pm] AlexOwnz: I've been an smod since New Years, 2010.
[4:56pm] Nathan: Cool
[4:56pm] Nathan: You seem to be one of the.. chiller smods
[4:56pm] Nathan: Would you say this is true?
[4:57pm] AlexOwnz: I suppose you could say that. I don't take everything super seriously, but still get the job done.
[4:57pm] Nathan: What's your usual routine for doing things that smods do on the forums?
[4:58pm] Nathan: The answer to this is, our should be
[4:58pm] Nathan: Fairly diverse for a lot of the smods
[4:59pm] AlexOwnz: Basically I just run through any undone reports, and run quick scans through the forums to make sure everything is alright.
[4:59pm] Nathan: Such as Nirs or Chozo, who do lots of work that the community can't see, or smods who infract and the likes every day
[4:59pm] Nathan: Mm
[4:59pm] Nathan: Okay
[4:59pm] Nathan: How many times have you been angrily confronted about an infraction or ban?
[5:00pm] AlexOwnz: Hah. Too many.
[5:00pm] Nathan: Mm
[5:00pm] Nathan: This must annoy you a lot, right?
[5:01pm] AlexOwnz: Not as much as one would think actually
[5:01pm] Nathan: Mm
[5:01pm] Nathan: Mm
[5:01pm] Nathan: Mm
[5:01pm] Nathan: I see
[5:02pm] Nathan: What would you say the upside of being a smod is?
[5:02pm] Nathan: It obviously comes with benefits
[5:03pm] AlexOwnz: It's a good feeling to help clean up the mess people leave behind on the forums, I guess.
[5:03pm] AlexOwnz: It's not so much about being higher than everyone else.
[5:03pm] Nathan: Mm
[5:04pm] Nathan: Sorry I keep saying that
[5:04pm] Nathan: Muscle memory
[5:04pm] Nathan: Anyways
[5:04pm] AlexOwnz: Well, it does.
[5:04pm] AlexOwnz: You're right there
[5:04pm] Nathan: Would you ever want to be an admin?
[5:05pm] AlexOwnz: Absolutely, anything to further my assistance here.
[5:06pm] Nathan: Do you see yourself as being a smod in 6 months?
[5:06pm] AlexOwnz: I intend to keep my activity high, and yes I see myself as that.
[5:07pm] Nathan: Cool.
[5:08pm] Nathan: What do you think about the current bunch of smods?
[5:08pm] AlexOwnz: Not fond of all them, but they are mostly a good bunch.
[5:10pm] Nathan: Mmkay
[5:10pm] Nathan: That wraps it up I guess
T1cux: clan have eggs.

[16:55] <@ChrisDom> So, rave
[16:55] <@ChrisDom> you've been around for a bit right
[16:55] <+brorave> Yeah
[16:55] <+brorave> late january of 2007 actually
[16:55] <@ChrisDom> How long?
[16:55] <@ChrisDom> oh
[16:56] == Enzu [[email protected]] has joined #interview
[16:56] <+brorave> I think I played in december though
[16:56] <@ChrisDom> and what positions have you had so far?
[16:56] <+brorave> hmm
[16:56] <+brorave> I've had TA twice, PT, Torishop admin for a night, and right now I'm M-Squad
[16:57] <@ChrisDom> No smod or admin powers right?
[16:57] <@ChrisDom> besides market
[16:57] <+brorave> nah
[16:57] <+brorave> I just have infraction abilities in the Market board
[16:58] <@ChrisDom> Would you ever like to be an smod?
[16:58] <@ChrisDom> or does it seem like too much work?
[16:58] <+brorave> I guess yeah
[16:58] <+brorave> I've been here awhile and I've held almost everything in the book so I guess the next step would be SMod
[16:59] <@ChrisDom> So you are confident you would be able to be an smod with that knowledge right
[16:59] <+brorave> Probably, I can't apply anytime soon though
[17:00] <+brorave> (away for the next 30/50 days)
[17:00] <@ChrisDom> Do you think you could handle admin powers?
[17:00] <+brorave> that's a tough thing to gauge, I guess so
[17:00] <+brorave> I don't know if I'd like to be admin though
[17:01] <+brorave> seems like too much work
[17:01] <@ChrisDom> Right.
[17:01] <@ChrisDom> So do you enjoy being market squad
[17:01] <+brorave> Yeah, I enjoy working with the Market
[17:01] <@ChrisDom> Market seems to have tons more work than other parts of the forum
[17:02] <+brorave> Eh, it depends on the part I guess
[17:02] <+brorave> I mainly lurk the Items board, where there (usually) isn't that much going on
[17:02] <+brorave> but Art/Textures seems to have a lot to do; I should probably browse that more
[17:03] <@ChrisDom> probably, that sounded like you were dodging work :V
[17:03] <+brorave> <__<
[17:03] <+brorave> I've just never made any art
[17:03] <@ChrisDom> oh that makes sense.
[17:03] <+brorave> doesn't interest me as much as the items board
[17:04] <@ChrisDom> what do you think about the current mod team?
[17:04] <+brorave> I think it's pretty good
[17:04] <@ChrisDom> Any changes you would make?
[17:04] <+brorave> hmm
[17:04] <+brorave> I don't think I would
[17:05] <+brorave> only thing I would do would be implement more SMods before the wii version comes out
[17:05] <@ChrisDom> I thought the wii version wasn't going to be linked to this version
[17:06] <+brorave> honestly, I have no idea
[17:06] <+brorave> I thought it was but
[17:06] <@ChrisDom> sounds like a good change if it happens to be linked.
[17:06] <@ChrisDom> Anything you want to add bro?
[17:07] <+brorave> oh I forgot to say I was an authorised youshop holder
[17:07] <@ChrisDom> Man of 1000 jobs
[17:07]  * brorave shrugs
[17:07] <@ChrisDom> one last thing
[17:07] <@ChrisDom> and i've never known for sure this whole time.
[17:07] <@ChrisDom> ARE YOU MALE OR FEMALE
[17:08] <+brorave> ahahaha
[17:08] <+brorave> Male
[17:08] <@ChrisDom> k, I get you confused with someone
[17:08] <@ChrisDom> thanks bro.
[17:08] <+brorave> I can't remember why, but Shin-Ryuu changed my title to "certified girl" once
[17:08] <+brorave> yeah, no problem
I seriously NEVER knew for sure. But yeah so far,
Last year was more interesting than this year.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Originally Posted by ChrisDom View Post
-interview here-
I seriously NEVER knew for sure. But yeah so far,
Last year was more interesting than this year.

Ended up that the wii version isn't going to be linked. Go figure.
Originally Posted by ravenger View Post
Ended up that the wii version isn't going to be linked. Go figure.

I thought veb said that a while ago. Maybe hampa idk.
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Good job with the interview. I think you showed the best faces of the people who spoke.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
Good job with the interview. I think you showed the best faces of the people who spoke.

Not like I'm trying to kill peoples' reputation.

From last year! Ishi!
[17:24] <@ChrisDom> k ishi, I interviewed you last year
[17:24] <@ChrisDom> and
[17:24] <@ChrisDom> YOU ARE ADMIN NOW
[17:24] <+ishi> don't expect too much or you will be let down :D
[17:24] <+ishi> ye, i am
[17:24] <+ishi> it happend pretty suddenly
[17:24] <@ChrisDom> Tell me about it.
[17:24] <@ChrisDom> how'd it happen bro?
[17:24] <+ishi> well, i recently got smod back, after i lost it while i was playing anarchy online for 2 weeks straight
[17:25] <+ishi> veb had this thread in wibbles, where people posted, and he did things to their accounts
[17:25] <+ishi> so i posted in it, and got a promotion
[17:25] <+ishi> simple as that
[17:25] <@ChrisDom> Wow
[17:25] <@ChrisDom> I saw that thread too
[17:26] <@ChrisDom> So, has anything changed?
[17:26] <+ishi> well, i do a lot more now
[17:26] <@ChrisDom> like what?
[17:26] <+ishi> i've been doing a few name changes and stuff like that
[17:26] <+ishi> the admin cp is far more powerful than the mod one
[17:26] <+ishi> its pretty amazing
[17:26] <@ChrisDom> sounds sexy
[17:27] <@ChrisDom> Do you think you'd want to be an smod again?
[17:27] <+ishi> it would be hard going back after having more power, i guess, but i wouldn't hate it
[17:27] <+ishi> smods have it better in some ways
[17:27] <@ChrisDom> and what do you think of the current mod team
[17:28] <+ishi> they don't get 300 pm's a day about hackings that are just people forgetting their passwords or they said their passwords out loud :|
[17:28] <+ishi> mm
[17:28] <+ishi> i quite like the team at the moment
[17:28] <@ChrisDom> Any changes you would make?
[17:28] <+ishi> i think we are a nice group of finely honed killing machines
[17:28] <+ishi> well, the local mods
[17:28] <+ishi> things are a bit shaky with them at the moment
[17:28] <@ChrisDom> Does that include me? D:
[17:28] <+ishi> a lot of them are slacking off
[17:28] <+ishi> well
[17:29] <+ishi> you have been gone, so thats ok
[17:29] <@ChrisDom> I wasn't gone... I just wasn't locking as much.
[17:29] <+ishi> but more than inactivity, some of them are just doing their job poorly
[17:29] <+ishi> mostly in the computer chat board
[17:30] <@ChrisDom> Are you going to "revise" any time soon?
[17:30] <+ishi> some changes were made recently though, so it should be a lot smoother
[17:30] <+ishi> well, we will probably revise as we get complaints
[17:30] <+ishi> its hard to track what the locals are doing all the time, so we rely on the users for feedback
[17:31] <@ChrisDom> Fair enough, maybe i'll grab a few locals
[17:31] <@ChrisDom> more info.
[17:31] <@ChrisDom> And what do you think about this year compared to last year
[17:32] <+ishi> well, i think it has been one of the bigest activity jumps we have seen, so many players, clans, and all that
[17:32] <+ishi> but with the good, comes the bad
[17:32] <@ChrisDom> what's bad so far?
[17:32] <+ishi> the quality of the users seems to be going down
[17:33] <+ishi> and by quality i mean
[17:33] <+ishi> most of them are pretty much idiots
[17:33] <@ChrisDom> hmm i kinda see that too
[17:33] <+ishi> but thats okay, since we do have a nice amount of awesome people around
[17:33] <@ChrisDom> Any final thoughts ishishi?
[17:34] <+ishi> hmm
[17:34] <+ishi> actually no time, people bothering me in #support
[17:34] <@ChrisDom> lol enjoy
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
bunch of humanitarians those smods/admins

not the ninjas though.. i think they are humanitarian in another sense. jk

give a little time to know people and they give out a different side to what you expect
Stickied this thread, because it's fun to read and an interesting concept. But uh

[17:31] <@ChrisDom> Fair enough, maybe i'll grab a few locals

this is silly, just saying

Keep to the rules, no spamming or such, any off-topic posts will be most likely dealt with harshly.
Originally Posted by avwave View Post
bunch of humanitarians those smods/admins

not the ninjas though.. i think they are humanitarian in another sense. jk

give a little time to know people and they give out a different side to what you expect

Meh, the ninjas are pretty much the same as last year. Only difference I could think of is kitfox.

More interviews later...
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?