TheElement - thanks for the offer, but your price's too high.
r3dtigerII - PM sent.
killerevan - 4.5k for both.
ImYou - No, thanks.
Punisher - No, thanks for offering.
PsyTrance - No thanks, better sell it to missuse!
PRAdA - I'm not trading with 10k + qi items, sorry.
missuse - thanks for offering!
Ok, let me guess:
full radioactive - 15k.
full copper - 18k.
full velvet - 80k.
full toxic - 40k.
full supernova - 45k.
full DEMO - 150k

Master2 - 180k for all 3.

Offer more, please!
Last edited by Kabreto; Jul 5, 2010 at 06:57 PM.
have you ever bought something for that prices? :-D

you dont even offered the 40% of the market price..
Dude, I have bought and sold stuff for that price, I sold my last full quicksilver for 90k.
And... I offered you way more than 40% of the market price. How much do you want
for a single quicksilver force?
Sent Acid relax to Kabreto
Sent Gold force to Kabreto

Thanks man. Also pmed you again xD

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Thanks, I'd take the demolition set, if missuse aren't giving his demo away cheaper.

B0BAH - No, thanks. Your prices are a bit too high.
I will sell u demo for 180k
the rest I don't even want to name prices xD, I'd say we couldn't come to an arrangement

So what do u say?
wishful eyes deceive me