Tbh, there isn't very much contrast at all other then the eyes and whatever that is on the beakish thing.
Other than that, I like it, and I think you should make a head texture out of it. Just slap that face onto like a 1024x1024 texture and resize it to 512x512, maybe.
I don't know. :V

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
Originally Posted by Varkenoss View Post
Tbh, there isn't very much contrast at all other then the eyes and whatever that is on the beakish thing.
Other than that, I like it, and I think you should make a head texture out of it. Just slap that face onto like a 1024x1024 texture and resize it to 512x512, maybe.
I don't know. :V

I don't exactly know what it is on the beak either, it's just on a lot of the reference images, I think it's just for artistic touch.

Thanks for commenting :P