View Poll Results: Would you give your address in a Nabi sponsored competition for a real prize?
110 Votes / 76.39%
No way, my parents would kill me.
25 Votes / 17.36%
Nah, I'm too lazy to move my mouse.
9 Votes / 6.25%
Voters: 144. You may not vote on this poll
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I sure do Slip.

By now I'm sure that there are lots of players that trust Nabi enough to give you guys our address.
And even if the prize is 5$, an event with a cash/object prize would have way more participants than a regular one.
Of course it would have to be interesting too, you can't just rely on the prize for it to be successful, but I'm sure you've got plenty of cool ideas.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
How would this work for people who travel a lot and pretty much every location is temporary?
I would definitely.

Hampa is the most trustworthy dude I've ever met on the internet.

It's not saying much, but he's friggin awesome.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
Yeah sure.

Do you guys think an event with some prizes among those lines would be a good event with many participants?

Mhm, anything will real prizes is bound to get more participants. It's something you'll get instead of something virtual.
"YES HELLS YEAH" - Why Not? 8/ Its not like your gonna send me an air dependable virus O.o are you? ...


I normally don't do events, but I would.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
Yes, but whether or not I'd compete in an event that involves real life prizes depends a lot on the prize. Take for instance the event where you had to Design a Race-Car texture set for a car model; in that event I most likely would have participated if the prize was just an item or TC. But in that case the car model was a turn-off for me, since those can be found virtually anywhere and would just be taking up space for me.

Thou' prizes that can't be found at your neighborhood dollar store or Wal-Mart would be just awesome. Strange stuff. Like an Uke Head Stress Ball for instance (Or a beautifully drawn painting from hanz0).

Also, Nabi is very trust-able. As this thread pretty much says.

It's not really nabi that you're sending your email too, it's just a dude, a gamekeeper most likely.
the god
Originally Posted by JinxZ View Post
Like an Uke Head Stress Ball for instance

I would actually love that as a prize.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else