i have see this set i am wearing advertized (cant find proof)
and i remember asking to buy texture items from him a while back and i asked to have shiiks
that is the set now
i am 99.9 % shore that this is the set
i believe that when space invader buys accounts he transfers everything from them onto his account
i believe these textures were on the account when he bought it and i dont think that he ever sold it until i received them during the account sale
i bought the account shiik a while ago and with shiik there was a full texture set with thees textures on it.
as i bought the hole account it also includes the texture set wich lebabris is waring right now.
i legaly sold it to lebabris and he is allowed to use it as i was too.
if someone else bought this set also then its not a faliure of mine but of the texturer.