indeed and no flaming or kicking in my rooms and i think we should make a rule not to op people that arent in vortex... in our own clan servers... because they can abuse op. and guys, please stop fighting, i dont mean to be a pussy or anything, in fact i never back down from a fight...but this kinda stuff is just bad for the clan
I had enough of this, I am changing the password, putting into effect the rules we have, and i am enforcing them, anyone that is not a Veteran or higher found with OP will be warned, Then temp banned, then kicked from clan,
I am tired of people abusing this rule, and us not enforcing it.
If you do not like the rule, then deal with it.
Only way a VIP should ever have OP is if an officer or higher granted it to them due to them either being afk or having to leave.