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In this discussion thread we will be discussing about a few questions about the subject hackers.
-Why do they give us viruses
-Whats the point
-Aren't they afraid they will get caught
-how/why did they start hacking.
i consider hacking the dark side of coding.
I want serious posts here, anything wibble like WILL BE REPORTED by ME!!
...lol you hold your self is such high regard, well whatever RANT:
"Why do they give us viruses"
Well, first you miss understand some stuff, so;
'Hacker' simply means "To use a computer in a nonstandard way to achieve relatively standard computation / function", that is, hacker is the wrong word for 'someone who gives you a virus', these are called 'black hats', and secondly the virus thing is normally people who want credit card information, so allot of viruses are there to read your information.
Back on topic however some hackers do in fact use viruses for their work, or more correctly; Malware, in any case they use this just to demonstrate their skill, for fun, and to blow off massive corporations as many people love to do.
Whats the point
In what? I assume you mean viruses, but nice failure to phrase a question properly here :P Also I addressed this in your last question, so this is also redundant, just an expansion.
Aren't they afraid they will get caught
Generally, probably, but they also probably don't care, or have calculated that risk.
how/why did they start hacking.
First, periods don't denote questions, this is what the question mark ('?') is for :P
Anyway, I'll address this in two parts:
Any from:
Because they can.
Because they find it interesting.
Because they hate corporations like Microsoft, and want to fuck around with them.
And in the case of black hats; because they want money, and this works.
Simple, they learn a whole bunch about computers, read wikipedia, and are normally quite interested in the Low Level stuff that goes on at the operating system level.
Now your thread gives allot of hate to 'Hackers' so let me straighten something up for you, there are also what are called 'White hats', these guys crack for a living, they will break into the security of a bank or whatever, after being heired to do so, then inform the bank or whatever of how to fix the flaws they find.
Considering 'hacking' the 'dark side' of coding, is pretty ignorant, when your definition is so far off from what the word actually means.