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Thanks everybody for all this good advise and thanks TheLunatic for letting me add you as a allie,if theres anyway i can improve the clan please tell me how
If you want to improve the clan make a server ingame saying "Girlz Recruiting"
Then wait for ppl to come in and recruit them , as long has you do that the clan will get more fame and if you get good players it will get more respect
And btw , that banner is better
Add me as single ally
Good luck
Add me as a single ally if interested.
Still, think it will be lots of work finding other girls in game.
Might be easier with a recruitment sec in the forums.
Best of luck.
Originally Posted by mike227 View Post
well now i know were to get a girl friend but good luck clan allies with pure dark

lololololollololololololololololololololololololol olololololololololololololo usadbro llolololololol

yes good luck with this exclusive Desc. single allies add pl0x