I'm having trouble believing that's hand-drawn, specially because of the uniformity of the shading and the fact that it has a transparent background which shows a layer with clean borders. Could you show the directly scanned picture please?
I'd also like to stress out that if anyone went to a non-specialised art school, they wouldn't end up drawing standard, un-nosed, giant eye figures so that went without saying.
If he really did hand-draw this, though, then I guess he could work on making the hand fit more with the arm. In shape and maybe in colour (I'd need to see it as it was drawn to judge the latter). If he's not narrow-minded about the whole manga thing he could try to draw people and attempt to make them recognisable, that's really hard to do but it's rewarding. To train, I suggest drawing from pictures to get a feel of people's anatomy. He should avoid using the standard proportions which are easy to find on the internet because it makes the people unrecognisable and only drawable from the front.