Secret Santa 2024
a texture that can make 3D efects and some lights efects.
sorry I forgot to say I don't want to trade it too.
all other items and 256x256 head textures are for trade
512x512 Left Hand Texture, 512x512 Right Foot Texture, 512x512 Left Foot Texture for them?
How much do you really want for them? I dont have that much
That feels good. I like it when you touch me there... mmmmh. That hurts...ow ow! Click Here Much better.
Devil wat's ur offer, sorry zac I was gonna accept but didn't see the other foot. If devil doesn't give a good enough offer I'll send to you.
which flame??? Now I'm interested.
Last edited by Hybrid101; Dec 13, 2010 at 04:04 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump