Christmas Lottery
Thanks a lot for passing all the work on to me Recka .
I hope that i'm up for the task and that Eclipto will prosper and florish.

Also ! Welcome our newest member Steeli ! ( who doesnt even have own internet but plays at Metasoulec's little hellhole )

New members recruited ! Please Welcome Akatsuki and Soth ! *welcomes*
Last edited by Rutzor; Jan 24, 2008 at 01:10 PM. Reason: Welcoming new members
Hey Rutz, I found some more Ecliptos....add them to the list



and thats it....and ookichan asked me to ask u rutz...that i become a recruiter too..

and yeah, thats it
*welcomes new members* lemme hear grande applause for our new members Jman90 and DarkDruid. On a side note i updated the members list and added Clan Rules.
W00t! TYVM!!!

This clan seems..... AWESOME?!?!?!?!?!!

Rutzor, I own your life.... MEEP!
lol, and you said Recka was the Crotch Devil? It reminds me of Arkvoodle, lol.


P.S. I look forward to see your skills.... IN BATTLE!!!!

P.P.S. Actually scratch that, we can be a team. ;)

P.P.P.S. I change my mind, since I OWNNNN Flubbah I wanna own you too. ;)

P.P.P.P.S. (Insert n00bish st0f begging here)

P.P.P.P.P.S. The Cake is a Lie.

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Wow, that's a lot of P's.
The Aperture Science Enrichment Center would like to remind you that the Weighted Companion Cube cannot speak and, in fact, will never threaten to stab you.
Good luck rutzor and metalsoulec. I remember seeing this and I was like wtf metasoulec didn't even tell me he left to this clan :o.. anyway goodluck.
Thanks Basher, yea i was shocked too when i still saw him in your members list ( did i really ? don't remember... ) i just started playing when that happened and now i find myself as the leader of this clan. Its a wild ride baby .

Darkdruid ! Jaythegay's signature move is the crotch devil...Recka has nothing to do with it. If you wanna own me come to KB or Akido more often... send me a PM with your msn or something to keep in touch if you didnt run out of P's already.

Cya in the arena

Just wanted to say hey, oddly enough I am not around that often, so I dont know if making me a Second in command is that great of an idea. However, I do have a few recomendations for the clan, we should start sharing moves and replays of good openers, and try to develop our own style of martial arts.

This would involve all types of throws, punches and kicks and more importantly counter-throws, counter-punches and counter-kicks.

The key to a martial art is speed, so if we can react to a given persons actions faster than they can complete them, we win hands down.

I Recomend Imedate research on an effective defensive opener.


Oh, I see. xDD I didn't see that he posted, I just saw Recka posting. lol. Well, it still reminded me of Arkvoodle, the great Crotch God from Destroy All Humans. lol. And All I really Play is Aikido!! *Rawr* So I'll try and look for you sometime! lol

Originally Posted by Rutzor View Post
Thanks Basher, yea i was shocked too when i still saw him in your members list ( did i really ? don't remember... ) i just started playing when that happened and now i find myself as the leader of this clan. Its a wild ride baby .

Darkdruid ! Jaythegay's signature move is the crotch devil...Recka has nothing to do with it. If you wanna own me come to KB or Akido more often... send me a PM with your msn or something to keep in touch if you didnt run out of P's already.

Cya in the arena


The Aperture Science Enrichment Center would like to remind you that the Weighted Companion Cube cannot speak and, in fact, will never threaten to stab you.