I hope this stays away from controversial topics such as religion/abortion, at least at the start.
Throwing topics out off the top of my head here, several of these probably wouldn't stimulate a long debate
-Censorship, particularly by the government and/or directed at children

-How implementing cheap, effective desalination would affect the world

-How by trying to eradicate viruses we are forcing them to evolve into super-viruses.

-The future of healthcare and whether the U.S. should have a public option

-Should special interest groups have as much power in politics as they do today?
By the way rapezilla, the idea is that the seminars will be led by people who are consistent discussion posters and can put in the time and effort to research a certain topic. In other words, it won't be people who just quote a big article and slap on a "discuss" tag.
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Hey look more than two lines.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post

-How implementing cheap, effective desalination would affect the world

-How by trying to eradicate viruses we are forcing them to evolve into super-viruses.

I like those, if the populous' opinion weighs on your choices, Hyde.

-(Il)legality of Marijuana (ofc)

-Where the Human Species will be in 500,000 years evolution-wise(neglecting the possible self-destruction, etc)

-How the we would react to a planetary crisis (Such as a meteor)

That last one seemed a bit shallow :P.

Anywho, nice idea Hyde. Discussion has just sort of been sitting on the same few topics for months now. About time something spicy gets thrown on the table.
Hyde I Love you for this.

Let me see if I can add a few:

  • Should we be investing more money into space programs?
  • Should a criminal be put to death or have life in jail?
  • Should the death penalty be legal, if not, should they have any chance of parole?
  • Should there really be laws against child labor?
  • Should minimum wage exist? Should it be raised or lowered? (Don't say it should be raised because you need money)
  • Who do you think assassinated John F. Kennedy?
    ~I literally spent a month on this in school.
  • Should the U.S. have troops stationed pretty much worldwide?
  • Does the U.S. do more harm then good by getting involved in wars?
  • Do you think there are extraterrestrial beings? If so, where do you think that they would most likely exist?
  • Can something besides another person fulfill your need for a relationship/affection? (Pets, computers, TV, etc)

That's about all for now

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If this goes through, we'll also have some seminar leaders and what have you.

I'm really liking some of the ideas here, keep em coming ;o
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
The first one will be held tomorrow, a poll with the topics will come up later today.

As for the leaders, i'll do this one alone or with thorn to see if it works first, before anything larger is set up.
Will the seminars be held in singular threads?
This may pose a few problems, depending on the volume of the seminar.
Originally Posted by jxc1013 View Post
Will the seminars be held in singular threads?
This may pose a few problems, depending on the volume of the seminar.

Depends on how many people want to do this