Unfortunately, the death penalty simply doesn't work.
At best it acts as a deterrent, whether it's better or worse than a life in jail is debatable. However, it has not acted effectively as a deterrent at all. If anything it has increased the level of crime.
For another, condemning someone to death is in fact far more expensive than a life sentence without parole. California alone could save 1 billion over the next five years purely by replacing the death penalty with a life sentence.
Secondly, I'd like to bring in a point that many others may have missed. Despite the slow and expensive process, the inmates on death row are eventually executed. If later evidence or testimony comes forward, it will certainly be too late for the convicted. In other words, there is a smaller chance that death row inmates will be exonerated or deemed innocent, and yet they have the greatest possible punishment.
By the way, about the part in the first post about the crime rate increasing x11 in the 60's, that probably has a lot more to do with the war on drugs than anything else. Gorman is correct.
The only remaining reason, then, to have a death penalty, is that criminals deserve the death penalty. However, I ask you: would you rather immediately leave this world, or spend the rest of your life in it doing absolutely nothing and/or experiencing the horrors of prison? The choice is not easy, and it's certainly hard to objectively pick one of the choices as better or worse.
Originally Posted by
It would certainly give them something to think about, would it not? Lets be realistic here, if the person who does the killing/raping is willing to ruin a life, he should be much less ready to do it, unless he is suicidal. Its like holding an anvil over someones head, quite menacing and guaranteed to reduce the rate of fatal crimes.
Money wise, who needs to lethally inject someone? Shoot them in the face, certainly will cost less money then giving them food their entire lives.
I.E. Tuscon, the kid was 20ishh, thats 50 years of paying for his food and clothes if they don't kill him.
The death penalty certainly has its own "appropriate" uses
Well no, that's the problem. You think it would be, but a life sentence is almost as heavy an anvil as the death penalty is.
As to the "money wise," there's several misconceptions in that statement. The first is that you think that lethal injections are the primary cost. This is not true. Providing inmate's health-care, living expenses, and the trial itself are all more expensive than lethal injections. There is also the issue of "just shoot them, bro." Murderers get trials too, many of them more than one. There's a lot of red tape and costs involved with sentencing someone to die.
Visit the link I post earlier, it gives a full rundown of how much the U.S., or at least California, would save if the death penalty was removed.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Jan 12, 2011 at 02:30 AM.