ahahaha :O
совах,этот амбер 35к максимум стоит,его можно даже у миссуса за 40к купить
где ты тут 100к увидел?
This account belongs to its official owner at this moment. all the things that previous owner has done before have no relations with the current one. ~Apparat

same M.O. same items, can it be these three are alts?

I am seriously considering applying for M Squad just so I can ban these accounts, I mean come on, chill a bit dude

User infracted: useless post.

On a side note if you were to ban accounts like that you'd be culled for power abuse before you knew what hit you.

Last edited by Fee; Jan 26, 2011 at 02:45 PM.
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by Octane View Post
ahahaha :O
совах,этот амбер 35к максимум стоит,его можно даже у миссуса за 40к купить
где ты тут 100к увидел?

ничего дешевле, чем магазин цене. так 100k должно хватить. его еще много.
Originally Posted by missuse View Post

same M.O. same items, can it be these three are alts?

I am seriously considering applying for M Squad just so I can ban these accounts, I mean come on, chill a bit dude

you still mad that I didn't sell my icon to you? stop stalking my threads and get a life. I sell high you sell high conflict is inevitable but your not going to rip me off. go away
Last edited by ForeverFailure; Jan 26, 2011 at 02:13 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I don't see the point in posting that you reported me in this thread. what are trying to get for doing such?
Take your problems to pm people.

Игнорировать выше. продажи полный набор на 100k 141k от магазина цене.

selling full set at 141k off shop price. awaiting offers
Okay, the shit stops here and I mean it. Jumping on a member as a group because you don't agree with his prices is arrogant and not how this community's Market functions. Anymore of this crap and I'll ensure you all lose Market access.

ForeverFailure if you could please post the name of your alt containing the items. Cheers.