Re: Random info about you
Originally Posted by DragonFire [ViRuS
OkeyDokey, im Niko from finland, 15 years old and i play computer and xbox360 games much, i play oblivion (xbox360) and toribash at the moment, mouse is broken so i cant play shooter games on comp....uhh im bad to write big texts. Ok thats it then rofl it seems i dont have personal life, only games XD, but i have

ROFLMAO!!! Ur name is gareth...!
Re: Random info about you
Originally Posted by Gothica
Originally Posted by DragonFire [ViRuS
OkeyDokey, im Niko from finland, 15 years old and i play computer and xbox360 games much, i play oblivion (xbox360) and toribash at the moment, mouse is broken so i cant play shooter games on comp....uhh im bad to write big texts. Ok thats it then rofl it seems i dont have personal life, only games XD, but i have

ROFLMAO!!! Ur name is gareth...!

Gareth is Spiteifre , not dragon fire...
Re: Random info about you
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH tisk ttisk you guys dont even know who you talkin to! hahahahahah. and gothy im disappiointed in you! i live in south africa bout 2hours away from soopa and psycz. i live in uitenhage. small town kid. well was kid im 18 now and outta school mofo`s!!1 :P hahahaha well ok i was born in this sad lil town and anyway yea hobby`s hmmmmm well shit loads! including pc of course and some squash and aeromodelin and freinds and and GIRLS OMF GIrLS!! other omline games i play is Brothers in Arms and a lil conquer music hmmmm alot but rock is the best but most is good that can be considered as music itself! oh and paintball rocks too! did that today and a few weeks ago
oh and guys please!! its not spitefre! or wot ever its spitfire! is in the old ww2 aeroplane! google it ffs! ;)
Re: Random info about you
I knew that!
Nice too see you active again though , and yeah , gothy , lets not get into that...
Well cool , 2hourse yes , girls w00t!
Promotion? i only started! well i get more cash right?
gemie money too!! you are so "spitEfull!!!!!!!!!!!
im going to bed as you can see!
aaa too much...erm alcohol...ya thats it...