I think new inventions in 10 years would have some inventions inspired by games, like the Pip boy 3000 from Fallout, I read that they are working on making a working one. Amazing really.
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
I'd be pretty happy if some brilliant wizard made a robot that had more flexibility. I would like to see a robot that can run and a fast pace and climb rough terrain.

That, and a good sized car that uses a fuel that releases almost to no emmissions. (electric just doesn't do it for me)
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Actual use of the various breakthroughs in transistor heat efficiency and size.
I'm thinking, that with any advancement in technology, there will always be a violent, war-driven side of things.

Technology is just gonna bring Earth to an end, in the long run. While people who don't give a shit about war sit on their iToilets and browse the internet, and drive their fancy no emmission cars, the worlds super-beings bomb each other unrelentlessly.
I'm thinking something along the lines of human genetic modification/improvement becoming widespread and no longer questioned by the public. Either that or mechanical enhancements made to ourselves. Or maybe both.
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
I'm thinking something along the lines of human genetic modification/improvement becoming widespread and no longer questioned by the public. Either that or mechanical enhancements made to ourselves. Or maybe both.

Yeah but this implies overthrowing religious beliefs altogether.

I had to.
2 things

along the communications advancements line:
Brain implants for communications

along the cars:
In some european countries hydrogen fual cars are being pushed towards feasability
the only emmission is water vapor
back from the dead