Well hopefully he releases the fix in the next update, because I don't feel like downloading a mod. Bish, that is the third time that I heard about Notch's terrible programming.
He is. Whenever you log onto a server, whoever is running the server software they can easily see your username and password in the log in info. Hell, even ask juntalis, he was modifying some shit and he even came across some of that stuff. notch didn't even bother to have encrypted it.
junitalis? Yeah, he used to be a clan admin, smod, and pretty much every other awesome position in the forums. Now he has a minecraft server and a thread about it in Gaming Chat
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan