Secret Santa 2024
sapphire force 17k max
128 ground (x2) deal
vamp lax - 5k
force - 7k
17k+30k+6k+5k+7k = 65k
no deal sorry :3
the vampire force is worth 9k-12k sapphire force is worth 30k for proof look in your shop u sold it for that price. 2 128x128 ground textures are worth 15k-17k.
the lax is worth 4k-7k.
MasterGabe,missuse guides :
Sapphire f___________________________12-20k
Vampire f__________________________ 3-7k
Vampire l___________________________ 3-6k

no ty men
sapphire force + vamp force + vamp lax + 128 grounde (x2) + 25k and deal