Originally Posted by
yes he is active i see a lot of his posts on the forum, hes a happy player, and i think he really likes the clan and the game, he was very willing to make improvements when we suggested them, and was innovative and on his toes from what i saw, there was one match where he was a millimeter from head dq, and he did the only known move with his head that would save him, that many players would forget out of sheer carelessness
and he has a good attitude, i like him
Thanks for the complements guys.
Originally Posted by
Is he active on the forums?
Why does he want to be in here?
What are some things about him that would contribute to the clan?
Tell Me about him?
Then ill tell you if he should be in or not.
I am very active on the forums.
I want to be here cause this is a newer clan and seems to have really taken off and I want to be a part of that.
I am very into art/photoshop and I think I could be a good contribution to the clan in that way. Also, I would like to help/train new members.
Oh, and one more thing...