i have warrior pack: offer
The Best Aikido Player 2010
Toribash Player Of The Year 2010
February 2011- Player of the Month
x13 sapphire lax - 455k
x6 sapphire force - 150k
static force + lax - 85k
x4 hunter force - 140k
x9 hunter lax - 315k
pharos force + relax - 80k
full ivory - 40k
full crimson - 50k
full persian - 85k
full raider - 80k
Full bumpmap - 100k
And :
Acid force - 7k
adamant force + relax - 25k
amber force + relax - 20k
amethyst force + relax - 35k
aurora lax - 17k
azurite force - 75k
beetle relax - 3.5k
bronze force - 3k
camo lax - 8k
cobra force + relax - 25k
crimson force + relax - 30k
demo lax - 39k
dragon force - 12k
ecto lax - 8k
gold force - 11k
helios lax + force - 10k
hot pink force - 15k
hunter force + relax - 70k
hydra force + relax - 25k
imperial force + relax - 90k
ivory force + relax - 30k
kevlar force - offer
knox force + relax - 15k
magnatite force - 20k
old gold lax - 35k
persian force - 25k
pharos force + relax - 80k
plasma force - 18k
plat lax - 40k
qs lax - 26k
rad force + relax - 17k
raider lax - 20k
sapphire force + relax - 60k
shaman force - 15k
static force + relax - 85k
superfly force + relax - 13k
supernova force + relax - 40k
titan force + relax - offer
toxic force + relax - 40k
typhon force - 5k
tyrian force + relax - 25k
vampire force - 9k
vulcan lax - 30k
viridian force - 15k