how much for raptor force?
Crimson force? 6k pls
2xHunter Blood for 16k?
dragon lax partical texture and 1.4k?
Um, he wrote with 7 sized letters that he accepts tc only :|.
Also, how much for Dragon lax?
left and right bicep 2k.
demo torso?
azu grip - how much?
All 4 texture trails + Adamantium Force + Dragon force + Dragon relax + Raptor Force x2 = 25k?
Sapphire f\l 25k
so how much do u want for my choose?
for demo torso?
20k for 2xhunter bloods,or yours offer
3k left and right bicep.
Noxious Emote Color Noxious Grip Color Noxious Timer Noxious User Text
all how much ?