[uoy]Vidicelit VS [Urban]Dexter | AikidoBD и Lenshu(играли по очереди, сначала в бд, потом в леншу) |3-1(договаривались до 4, но он не может продолжать) + 256x256 Head Texture 512x512 head texture Amethyst Grip Color Amethyst User Text Aurora Force Aurora Ghost Aurora Left Hand Motion Trail Aurora Left Leg Motion Trail Aurora Timer Camo Blood Chronos Blood Chronos Blood Head Avatar Head Texture Hot Pink Blood Hot Pink DQ Hot Pink Right Hand Motion Trail Ivory Blood Juryo Secondary Gradient Marine Primary Gradient Marine Right Hand Motion Trail Marine Secondary Gradient Marine Torso Maya Emote Maya Ghost Maya Timer Maya Torso Neptune Grip Neptune User Text Orc Torso Persian Timer Pharos Primary Gradient Pharos Torso Quicksilver Left Leg Motion Trail Radioactive blood Radioactive DQ Radioactive Grip Color Radioactive Torso Raptor DQ Raptor Ghost Sapphire Blood Acid Primary Gradient Acid Timer Acid relax Acid Torso Acid DQ Acid Ghost Set: Acid Acid Grip Color Acid Left Leg Motion Trail Acid Secondary Gradient Acid Right Hand Motion Trail Acid Left Hand Motion Trail Acid Right Leg Motion Trail Acid User Text Acid Emote Color Acid Blood Azurite Relax Pharos Force Titan Relax Raider Force Set: Forces and laxes Vulcan Relax Hot Pink Relax Camo Force Marine force Knox Force Sphinx Relax Marine relax Platinum Force Sapphire force Warrior Relax Sapphire relax Hydra Relax [Full] Amber Amber Blood Amber DQ Amber Emote Amber Ghost Amber Grip Amber Left Hand Motion Trail Amber Left Leg Motion Trail Amber Primary Gradient Amber Right Hand Motion Trail Amber Right Leg Motion Trail Amber Secondary Gradient Amber Timer Amber Torso Amber User Text Amber Force Set: Ivory Set: Trail Texts 2 Viridian Emote Viridian Ghost Viridian Grip Viridian Left Hand Motion Trail Viridian Primary Gradient Viridian Right Leg Motion Trail Viridian Secondary Gradient Viridian Torso Viridian User Text Set: Viridian Set Set: Torsos Set: User Texts Set: Grips Set: Emotes Set: DQ's Set: Timers Gladiator Torso Dragon Primary Gradient Ecto Secondary Gradient Amber DQ Vampire Ghost Dragon Secondary Gradient Copper Left Leg Motion Trail Ecto Blood Ecto Primary Gradient Hot Pink DQ Maya Relax Chronos Blood Chronos Blood Marine relax Gaia Force Gaia Force Gaia Relax Radioactive DQ Set: yeah selling. Set: Ghosts Bumpmap Breast Texture Bumpmap Chest Texture Bumpmap Groin Texture Bumpmap Head Texture Bumpmap Left Biceps Texture Bumpmap Left Foot Texture Bumpmap Left Hand Texture Bumpmap Left Leg Texture Bumpmap Left Pecs Texture Bumpmap Left Thigh Texture Bumpmap Left Triceps Texture Bumpmap Right Biceps Texture Bumpmap Right Foot Texture Bumpmap Right Hand Texture Bumpmap Right Leg Texture Bumpmap Right Pecs Texture Bumpmap Right Thigh Texture Bumpmap Right Triceps Texture Bumpmap Stomach Texture Bumpmap Right Butt Texture Bumpmap Left Butt Texture Set: Bumpmap Set: Equipped to a crisp blue [GUI] Splatter [GUI] Logo [GUI] Header [GUI] Background Set: Gui Set: Trails Set: Collectors Set Set Set Set Shaman Left Hand Motion Trail Shaman Right Hand Motion Trail Toxic DQ Toxic Ghost Tyrian User Text Vampire Ghost Left Bicep Texture Right Bicep Texture Left Tricep Texture Right Tricep Texture Left Thigh Texture Right Thigh Texture Left Leg Texture Right Leg Texture Left Foot Texture Right Foot Texture Left Hand Texture Right Hand Texture Breast Texture Stomach Texture Chest Texture Right Pec Texture Groin Texture Left Pec Texture Set: Full 128 Body Texture Copper Blood Copper DQ Copper Emote Copper Ghost Copper Grip Copper Left Hand Motion Trail Copper Left Leg Motion Trail Copper Primary Gradient Copper Right Hand Motion Trail Copper Right Leg Motion Trail Copper Secondary Gradient Copper Timer Copper Torso Copper User Text Set: copper Set: Pharos Neptune Blood Neptune DQ Neptune Emote Neptune Ghost Neptune Grip Neptune Left Hand Motion Trail Neptune Left Leg Motion Trail Neptune Primary Gradient Neptune Right Hand Motion Trail Neptune Right Leg Motion Trail Neptune Secondary Gradient Neptune Timer Neptune Torso Neptune User Text Set: Neptune Set: Forces\Relaxes
Ставка была такая: мой весь итем VS его весь деактив без итемов, на которые мне не хватает qi
[uoy]Vidicelit VS [UTM]koliaaa | AikidoBD |4-1| +Adamantium Relax Maya Force Neptune Relax Sapphire force Neptune Relax
[uoy]Vidicelit VS [UTM]Reeker | Aikido| 1-4| - Camo Force
[uoy]Vidicelit VS [UTM]Reeker | Aikido| 5-4| + DQ Sound :3 вернул её)
[uoy]Vidicelit VS [UTM]Demon133 | AikidoBD |4-2| + Azurite Relax
Last edited by Vidicelit; May 13, 2011 at 11:41 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump